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Business Lawyer Los Angeles
A greatbusiness lawyer in Los Angeles is essential for startup companies as well as more established businesses. When you can get help in different areas of the law, you can save valuable time in your business dealings. Here are five key areas where every company needs qualified representation.

  1. Commercials Transactions

    The standard clauses at the end of contracts can lead to – and often are the main source of – major disputes down the road, which is why proper representation should matter to businesses in any transaction. Whether you need help in manufacturing agreements or with licensing and supply arrangements, the guidance from an experienced attorney can be priceless in the long run.

  2. Employment

    Many lawsuits filed by employees come back to the original contracts and policies in place at a company. Business owners should have preventative counseling to ensure you are not at risk down the road. In addition to contract and policy details, you will need an attorney to assist in resolving problems stemming from employment if claims arise – litigation is not always the best course of action.

  3. Finance and lending

    . An experienced business lawyer will be able to help you in each aspect of the financing spectrum. Real estate lending, senior and mezzanine debt, venture lending, asset-based lending and other concerns fall under this banner.

  4. Mergers & Acquisitions

    . Once you business gets established, you may be either the target of other companies or the one on the lookout for a business to purchase. This process takes special care in the way of due diligence, negotiations, letters of intent and other concerns. An experienced business lawyer is critical to make sure everything falls into place accordingly.

  5. Securities Offerings and Corporate Compliance

    . With regulations constantly changing, every company needs a qualified business lawyer when dealing with securities offerings. That includes selling even a small equity piece of the business to a single investor. Severe consequences await when transactions take place in a way the law deems inappropriate.

For further information or to schedule an appointment with Afshin Hakim of The Hakim Law Group, one of the leading business lawyers firms in Los Angeles please contact us at 310.993.2203 or www.HakimLawGroup.com.Every business needs representation to avoid problems that can plague a company for years. Contact Hakim Law Group for top business law services in Los Angeles.