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Most entrepreneurs do not have adequate personal funds for their company and are forced to seek seed capital or other finance options to capitalize their startup – and traditional loans are typically not a viable solution. For entrepreneurs forced to look for equity financing, there are many private sources and incubator programs in Southern California.

The business law professionals at The Hakim Law Group in Los Angeles want to explain the differences between angel investors and venture capitalists to benefit business owners.  Generally, there are two types of investors for early stage companies: angel investors and venture capitalists.   The investors participating in each have their distinct priorities and expectations.

Before the differences are explained, it must be known that an important similarity is the business owner must cede some control.  Equity funding is not a loan; equity funding is the investor’s placement of their capital for a percentage of the profits and equity ownership in the company.  This position can require a decision-making position in the management group or a seat on the board.

The Angel Investor

The typical angel investor is an individual looking to invest their capital in start-ups. It is good practice to deal with investors who are accredited. For this designation, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires an investor to meet one of the following criteria.

  1. If the investor files as a “single” taxpayer, their annual income must be at least $200,000 for the past two years, with the reasonable expectation of this income level in future years. If the investor files jointly with their spouse, then the minimum income level increases to $300,000 over the same periods and with the same expectations.
  1. Regardless of the filing status, the investor’s net worth must be at least $1 million, excluding the value of their primary residence.

While both provide crucial funding for early-stage businesses, they differ significantly in their approach, objectives, and impact on the companies they invest in. In this article, we’ll delve into the major differences between angel investors and venture capital investors to help entrepreneurs navigate the complex world of startup funding.

Source of Funds

Angel Investors:  Angel investors are typically affluent individuals who invest their personal funds into startups. These individuals may be successful entrepreneurs, business professionals, or retired executives seeking to support promising ventures.

Venture Capital Investors:  Venture capital funds, on the other hand, are pooled funds from various sources, including institutional investors, pension funds, and high-net-worth individuals. VC firms manage these funds and deploy them strategically across a portfolio of startups.

Investment Stage

Angel Investors:  Angel investors are often involved in the early stages of a startup’s development, providing seed capital and helping entrepreneurs transform ideas into viable businesses.  Their investments usually occur during the “seed” or “angel” rounds.

Venture Capital Investors:  Venture capital investors typically enter the scene during the later stages of a startup’s growth, participating in funding rounds such as Series A, B, and beyond. They focus on companies that have demonstrated market traction and are poised for scaling.

Investment Size

Angel Investors: Angel investments are typically smaller compared to venture capital investments.  Angel investors may invest anywhere from a few thousand to a few million dollars in a single startup, depending on the individual’s financial capacity and risk appetite.

Venture Capital Investors: Venture capital investments are generally larger, often ranging from several million to tens of millions of dollars per investment. VC firms commit substantial capital to startups with the expectation of significant returns.

Control and Involvement

Angel Investors:  Angel investors often play a more hands-on role in the startups they invest in. Beyond providing funding, they may offer mentorship, strategic advice, and valuable industry connections.  Angel investors are typically closely involved in the day-to-day operations of the company.

Venture Capital Investors:  While VC investors provide substantial funding, their level of involvement tends to be more strategic. They may contribute to board meetings, offer guidance on high-level strategic decisions, and leverage their network for business development opportunities.

Risk Tolerance

Angel Investors:  Angel investors are known for their higher risk tolerance. They are willing to take calculated risks on unproven business models and innovative ideas, recognizing that not all investments will yield positive returns.

Venture Capital Investors: Venture capital investors also embrace risk but often seek a balanced portfolio approach.  While they understand the inherent risks in startup investments, they aim to diversify their portfolio to mitigate overall risk and increase the likelihood of backing a successful company.


In the intricate world of startup funding, understanding the distinctions between angel investors and venture capital investors is crucial for entrepreneurs seeking financial support. Angel investors provide early-stage capital with a more hands-on approach, while venture capital investors come into play during later stages, offering larger investments and strategic guidance. Ultimately, the choice between angel and venture capital funding depends on the startup’s stage of development, funding requirements, and the entrepreneur’s preference for involvement and control.

It is beneficial for entrepreneurs to have financing choices on the debt and the equity sides. Unlike debt, equity funds may not require a return on the investment at a set rate. However, these requirements are replaced with an equity position in the company, and the entrepreneur must understand that this translates into a reduction of control and ownership.

If you are an entrepreneur looking to either start up or expand operations, you need the experience of a reputable business lawyer in Los Angeles.

The Hakim Law Group is ready to advise and help all business leaders. Our team of skilled and highly experienced business lawyers in Los Angeles have worked at top-tier international law firms and has served as general counsel to major companies. This high level of diverse legal and business experience is paramount to our boutique approach.

For further information or to schedule an appointment, please contact The Hakim Law Group at 310.993.2203 or visit to learn more.