Business Attorney in Los Angeles
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There are many stringent and complicated requirements to opening a business in California. Unfortunately, many of these prerequisites include completing and filing multiple legal documents that you may not always be familiar with. Hence, it is always best to confer with a professional before taking action.

Depending on your business’s legal structure, you may need to file “Articles of Incorporation”for a corporation, “Articles of Organization” for a limited liability company, or a “Certificate of Limited Partnership” for a limited partnership.Any of these would have to be filed with the California Secretary of State. Before you do that, however, you need to ensure that your company’s name is unique from all others previously registered with the state.

Some businesses are completely under sole ownership.Such companies are referred to as “sole proprietorships.”Many of these establishments prefer to operate under a DBA or a “Doing Business As” name. That said, such monikers must be registered or recorded with the clerk of the county where you plan on conducting business.And, regardless of the specific type of company you set up, there are particular forms to file if you are planning to launch a business in California without having a physical location within the state.

Business owners in Los Angeles will need to draft contracts for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to:

  • Leasing or purchasing commercial properties
  • Hiring new employees
  • Securing commitments to clients and vendors
  • Sales contracts
  • Service contracts
  • Warranty and guarantee contracts
  • Equipment purchase and lease contracts
  • Non-solicitation contracts
  • Non-disclosure agreements
  • Buy/sell agreements

Remember, the nuances of drafting contracts are not something that can be covered via a template as a blanket solution. You will need the assistance of an experienced business attorney in Los Angeles with a background in all applicable state and county laws, as well as an in-depth understanding of what all parties would like covered in the agreement.

Have Questions About Drafting a Professional Business Contract? Contact an Experienced Business Lawyer in Los Angeles Today

Hakim Law Group stands ready to help small business owners and entrepreneurs. Our team of skilled and highly reputable business attorneys have worked in top tier international law firms and served as general counsel to major companies. This high level of diverse legal and business experience is paramount to our boutique approach – which produces more efficient, responsive and, ultimately, more effective results. For further information or to schedule an appointment with a leading business attorney in Los Angeles please contact HLG at 310.993.2203 or visit to learn more.